Project colors should be CMYK (4 color process) or PANTONE “spot” colors (201 crimson and 7540 gray only). This includes all supporting imagery. If your file is designed in RGB web or screen color mode, it will be converted to CMYK color before printing and colors may shift and look different from what you preview on your screen. If you intend to use PMS colors, please consult a project coordinator early in your design process to help identify any problems.
The bleed area is the part that gets trimmed off during the finishing process to allow your design to “bleed” off or to the edge of the page. The minimum bleed required is .125” on all sides. Be sure that all imagery or colors that touch the edge of your piece extend .125″ past the page edge.
The higher the resolution the better the quality. The minimum resolution required for an image at its final printed size should be: 300 dpi/ppi at 100% size for items printed on presses and 150 dpi at 100% size for large format items (posters, wall murals etc.).
Upload your files using the link in your sales order or by clicking the Files Upload button on the My Account Page.
Yes, you will receive either an electronic or printed press proof for projects printed on the presses depending on your location, project location, and budget. Please check your proofs carefully as what you see is what will print. Press proofs are not provided for large format or envelope projects.
No. Our digital presses and large-format printing equipment require special paper and large-format substrates. Design and Printing Services carries a wide variety of stock and can order specialty paper upon request.
Business card and other business items can be ordered from the products list in the left navigation.
No. To ensure clear and consistent presentation of our brand and each unit’s proper affiliation to the University, all units are required to use the University’s business card format. Business cards and other business items can be ordered online from Design and Printing Services.
Contact a project coordinator for detailed instructions.
Large, floor pull up banner stand specifications:
Table top pull up banner stand specifications:
See our list of media choices or contact a project coordinator to discuss the best option for your project.
The goal is to brand up as much as possible and either use the WSU logo or the college logo. Department logos are approved but the logo will not show hierarchy of what college they belong to. Users will need to incorporate the appropriate college elsewhere on their material. Logos should only have a third line if the name of the college/department doesn’t fit on one line.
All logos will be the horizontal orientation.
Print formats CMYK, Pantone spot, grayscale, one color, reverse versions supplied in .eps and .pdf formats
Digital formats Full color, grayscale, one color, reverse versions supplied as RGB .png and .svg formats
Further guidelines on logo usage can be found at the University Communications brand website.